Major: Environmental Studies
Hometown: Massachusetts
Year: graduated
Whatever I end up doing, it'll center around environmentalism. Today, I'm leaning towards law school. That said, by the time this is posted, I might've decided to go into business or become a mountain man. We'll see.
Major: Biochemistry
Hometown: New York
After finishing my take 5 year, next year, I plan to apply to and hopefully be accepted into Medical School or an MPH Program.
Major: Mechanical engineeirng
Hometown: Punjab, Pakistan
My plan is to minor in ECE, and then specialize in robotics. I plan on getting my masters in robotics, and then hopefully moving into the industry. As for Beta, I hope to keep dedicating my efforts to build a stronger brotherhood within the fraternity.
Major: Optical Engineering
Major: Statistics
Hometown: Tennessee
In the future, I hope to attend graduate school for fashion or costume design in New York City. Maybe one day, I'll create an industry to call my own.
Major: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Pre-Education
Hometown: New Jersey
Teaching, Paramedic Schooling
Major: Molecular Genetics & Math
I'm pre-med and considering a Take 5 in Contemporary Islamic studies. I am an upperclass RA in the Courts area. I hope to pursue medicine related to cancer or genetics in the future.
Major: Chemical Engineering
Hometown: Ohio
After undergrad i'm planning to pursue a Master's degree and then hopefully make my way into the energy storage industry to help make renewable and alternative energies more viable.
Major: Chemistry
I plan to pursue a career in education at the post secondary level. I either want to get a law degree and do patent work/teaching patent work or get a PhD and teach chemistry.
Major: Computer Science
Grad school (Masters/PhD), work on algorithmic and technological solutions to economic, environmental, and day-to-day problems.
Major: undeclared
Major: Psychology & Creative Writing
Hometown: Tuscaloosa, AL